
Minitab histogram
Minitab histogram

But in general we've got this skew shape where most people are spending Just a couple of 1000, and then it starts trailing down and fewer and fewer and fewer people spend the big money on these engagement rings. So definitely there are some outliers that 15,000 plus, there are people who spend ridiculous amounts on engagement rings. So I don't necessarily agree with their highlighted information, but it was about half of the people that spent within that range.

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So I would really if I were analyzing this one, I would have shifted my grouping to say What would that be? 2500 or less? And we would have had a large number of people, we would have taken away the 90 Ben and added in that 260. Um I think that's worth including if we're gonna say a most.

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So that's not bad, But that been to the left of $500. So this is about half of the people that spent between 5. And Out of the 1600 people that they asked. And then maybe 90 for each of those bins. Um this would be like 220 for that first one, 210. So When they make this 500-3000 group, It does include a lot of people. I don't know that their conclusion is necessarily good because the 500 would be here And 3000 here. I'm going to switch back over to my notes app here Because I want to show you where that $500-$3,000 puts us. They say most people spend $500-$3,000 on engagement rings. And they already highlighted this up at the top of the picture. Now what the display reveals about the variable and its distribution. So it's good to be able to have spots for all those numbers. Also because people are going to spend exactly 1000, maybe they spent 872. And the fact that there are spaces available in between. The next thing is that you want your actual quantities your numbers to be able to be represented on a number line. The number actually represents a quantity. Is is it quantitative data? And this is we're looking at dollars spent number of dollars. Now the number one thing you want to check on whether or not a hissed a gram is appropriate. Now the next thing we'll look at is discuss whether the display is appropriate. So they asked they offer this to american adults. It says the media for the typical american comedian americans. And then the the last w question is where? And this was in America. So when it said they asked between January 24 and January 30, that was in 2019. But they asked how many dollars did you spend on the engagement ring? Now the when This article came out in 2019. They take that number and they compare it to that person's salary which is not what the instagram is showing. Now that's not necessarily what they're reporting in their headline in their headline. So it does answer the who now the what is what were they asking? What data did they collect? They looked at how much how many dollars were spent on the engagement ring. This study was done by the morning consult in one of their departments called the upshot.

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So the first thing that we're going to talk about is does the article itself identify the double use? So this is who, what, where and when and they do identify who, this is, who they asked to get their data, Who they were serving.

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And we're going to answer some questions about the history graham itself. That's talking about how much people spent on engagement rings. It's a story that came out around valentine's day a couple of years ago. Is it that yourself? There's the end of the address? So what this was. And here is the article itself and there's the address will scroll over in case you want to go. Hi there for this question I found a history Graham on new york Times Online article about how much people spend on engagement rings.

Minitab histogram